Shampoo Bars | Low Impact Swaps

I have been using shampoo bars now for over a year and to be honest, my hair feels better than ever. The only things I do to my hair are that I wash it with a shampoo bar and comb/brush it daily. I don't use conditioner, a hairdryer, straighteners, styling sprays or creams... It has meant that I have stopped getting split ends, my hair is softer and seems to be able to go longer without a wash and not look awful.

No plastic packaging

All shampoo bars either come package-free, in a tin or cardboard box which can be recycled. This means you aren’t producing the waste involved in plastic bottles of shampoo, therefore, helping to reduce our planet’s waste.

Travel benefits

You can easily avoid the hassle at airports of the amount of liquid you’re allowed on board by simply not taking any, as with shampoo bars. If you manage to find a travel bar (shampoo and soap), this means you have much less to carry too.

All natural vs some chemicals

Some kinds of shampoo bar have all the ingredients of liquid shampoo, meaning they’re still full of chemicals. Chemicals which aren’t all that necessary for our hair to feel and be clean. Other shampoo bars are made of all natural ingredients so you know exactly what you’re washing with and that it can definitely have no harmful effects.

The adjustment period

If you choose to buy a shampoo bar with natural ingredients and have previously been using chemical shampoos, there will be an adjustment period for your hair. The natural oils in our hair get dried out by chemical shampoos so are overproduced to keep the balance, When you swap to natural ingredients, your hair will be producing excess oil so will feel greasy for a week or two while it adjusts.

Finding good value for money

This is important for some people more than others, but you can definitely find value for money if you do your research on shampoo bars. A shampoo bar the size of a normal bar of soap will last a couple of months like liquid shampoo. Lush are on the more expensive side and do have some chemical ingredients, however, almost every other brand will be made of natural ingredients. The cheapest brand of shampoo bars I have found is by Friendly Soap which is also a British company.

Some recommendations

Currently using: Primal Suds Shamsmoo
Previously used: Lush, Friendly Soap, Wild Sage & Co

Have you been converted to shampoo bars?

Photo by Abigail Lynn on Unsplash


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