Being a Blogger

This is the beginning of my blogging topic on my blog, so rather than rushing into something too technical, I thought I'd start at the beginning. You may already have a blog or be wanting to start one, but do you really know what a blog actually is?

A blog is basically a way of writing a journal on the internet, so each new journal entry occurs above any previous entries. This is what differentiates it from a normal website. The word blog is a shortened version of the proper name weblog, which was invented by the combination of the words website and log.

Blogs are now used by many different varieties of people and organisations. They can be used to simply show day to day accounts of someones life, to keep customers of small businesses engaged in the business and to give updates of changes in larger organisations. They are also used to give tutorials or useful information and instructions to people on how to do an array of things.

I am going do more blogging posts in the near future to explain how I created my own blog and some of the helpful bloggers I have found that made my blog what it is today. Including step-by-steps, links, how to's and why you would want to do half this stuff.

Did you know about the origins of blogging? Have you started a blog?

There are some things that as a creative and blogger I think are definitely completely essential for you to be successful and enable you to easily and effeciently work hard on what you do.

Some of these items are really basic and others are a lot more modern and hi tech, but I think that is what makes it work; the mix of different things that work together to make what you do dynamic, but with some order to it.

Some of the things I still don't own, but my dream is to use everything on this list as much as possible.

Here is a list of all the essential items I think that bloggers or entrepreneurs need in their life:

+ Paper and pen:

Jotting down notes and drawing spider diagrams and planning ideas.

+ Laptop:

To run your blog from, I prefer a laptop to a desktop computer because I find that I like to change where I sit.

+ Calendar:

So you can plan out future events, blog posts and any life happenings. It can be useful to see ahead and plan so you can see what you are able to fit in and how much time you have.

+ Notebook:

For making notes, planning everything out, storing blog and business ideas, simply as a journal for day to day stuff.

+ Pencil and rubber:

For all those mistakes you wish you hadn't made in the first place.

+ Smartphone:

Essential in my opinion for keeping up to date with social media and blogging on the go. Although you should make sure that you take the time to disconnect sometimes as I have written in a life lessons post.

+ Drawing tablet:

This is useful for designing graphics for your blog because it can be much easier to use a drawing tablet than to use the mouse of your computer.

+ Photo editing software:

I really want to own Photoshop at some point because I think it would help enhance my designing and help me to make even better graphics and designs than I can now with free editing softwares.

What do you think are the essentials for blogging?

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 

To be able to be a blogger you have to have certain qualities otherwise I am not sure that you will be very successful as a blogger. These qualities you probably already have if you are even thinking about blogging for a legitimate reason, if not you might not be right for the job.

Here is a list of all the qualities or skills a blogger needs or could be used as an individual:

Confidence -

You need this to be able to take risks and to do things that make be out of your comfort zone, but trust me, if you do something that you might not normally have done or something that requires confidence, it will for sure benefit you and make you feel better.

Creativity -

You need this to be able to think of new ideas for making posts, designing your graphics, designing your website, taking photographs, giving presents, standing out... I could go on. The list is endless, but the main point is that being creative is a way to express yourself through different forms, which I think is really important and not just for a business or blogging.

Determination -

This is really important for when you are faced with difficult situations or end up feeling like there is no point trying to continue, this should make you think that you could be successful and make something of whatever you are doing and keeps you thinking positively.

Honesty -

Tell the truth and don't hide small things; if you are ashamed of something, does it really matter or why do you think that, because ultimately it doesn't matter what other people think, because they might not even be in your lives by next year or even in a months time, so is their opinion really that important.

Being unique -

Just be you; it's one of the most important things that I have learnt whilst blogging, because no one else can be you and make your personality shine. You can bring you out in every aspect of your blog, business or life to make people see who you really are.

Time keeping -

This is very important for meeting deadlines and for making sure you put out posts regularly and that they are all ready for when they are needed. If you keep your time well you will realize you have a lot more time to do things than you thought you had.

Inspiring -

Being inspiring is something that I one day hope I can call myself, because someone being inspiring, is probably the reason you do whatever you do now and I know it is the reason that I love blogging, design, music, etc. I think being inspiring is really important, because it means you have left your mark on someone else's mind and meant that they believe they can achieve whatever they want to.

Vision - 

For being able to see your path laid out in front of you and so you can see where you want to go and what you want to do in the future.

Inquisitiveness - 

To find out more, keep learning and never give up on trying to find something out.

Initiative - 

Doing things independently and being able to think of new ways to do something.

Independent learning - 

Doing things yourself and without help, and learning more without having to be asked or encouraged: simply because you want to know.

Resourcefulness -

Being able to make the best of the resources you have and finding new resources to use and using these to their full potential.

Enterprise -

This is a combination of a lot of skills that are all crucial to running a business or blog to its potential and are all really important. Enterprise is a skill on its own though because it is the ability to use a combination of these skills.

Curiosity -

Wanting to find out more and continuously asking the question "why".

Being inspiring is something that I one day hope I can call myself, because someone being inspiring, is probably the reason you do whatever you do now and I know it is the reason that I love blogging, design, music, etc. I think being inspiring is really important, because it means you have left your mark on someone else's mind and meant that they believe they can achieve whatever they want to.

What qualities do you think are essential for bloggers and creatives?

There are a lot of little things that most bloggers probably would do sub consciously or wouldn't even consider when blogging, but all these little habits are really important and can mean that you are successful or aren't. I think that it is really important to consider all of these different ideas and incorporate them as much as possible into the running of your blog.

* Create HELPFUL posts, so the READER benefits

* Make content INTERESTING

* Add new LINKS and places to go outside of you blog, PROMOTING other small blogs / businesses

* Encourage comments or DISCUSSION on the posts

* Utilize SOCIAL media - ( Pinterest Tips post )

* Post frequently and REGULARLY

* Check ABOVE THE FOLD on your screen, when designing your website / blog ( above the fold definition )

* And DETAILS - little details, stories and background information in posts, little additions and details in graphics, little details in the design of your blog and little details that shine through to show your true personality...

What habits do you think it is important for bloggers to have?

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